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Thank you for your support of Emanuel Missionary Baptist Church. Because of your financial support and  generosity, you have planted the seeds that will enable Emanuel to grow in our community and provide a church home for you and others. Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God’s work here at Emanuel. There are several ways to donate to Emanuel:

1. We offer safe and secure online giving via Debit/Credit Card or Bank Account: If first time click create account if returning user click login. If you would like to cover the fee charged to the church for your transaction please select that option and if you would like this to be a recurring donation select that option as well.

2. You may place your offering in the donation plate during service or place it in the donation box in front of the finance room after service.

3. You can mail your donation to: Emanuel Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. 2407 Rev. S. L. Badger, Jr. Circle Jacksonville, FL 32209

Several ways to give.

Click to give online

Give with CashApp to $emanmbc  

Give with Zelle to [email protected]